What Happened on Good Friday Is Good News For Everyone, Everywhere

The story of the Bible shows us that Jesus’ death on the cross was for everyone, everywhere. No matter who you are, the sacrifice that was made on Good Friday was for you too.

Good Friday is God's Gift to You
Good Friday is God’s Gift to You

Life With God

When you understand the simple storyline of the Bible, it’s clear that God’s love isn’t for any one people group. It’s for everyone. And the sacrifice Jesus made to make it possible for us to walk with Him in spite of our sin was for everyone. Now, anyone who comes to Him and accepts His gift of forgiveness and grace will have life with God forever.

For Everyone

It doesn’t matter what language you speak. It doesn’t matter what country you live in or what color your skin is. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, educated or not. God’s love reaches out to each of us. None of us deserve it, but it’s available to all of us.

Through God’s Son

It’s our hope that you come to know and believe that what happened on Good Friday was really good news for you.

You can learn more in a book we wrote titled Bible StoryBoards by clicking on the picture link below.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book


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